Gotye, Tex Perkins and Nicky Bomba will perform together in Melbourne in August as honorary Rangers.
‘Green Line Grooves for World Ranger Day’ will be a one-off environment event for the planet seeing three of Melbourne’s biggest musicians playing together for the first and possibly last ever time.
Gotye, Perkins and Bomba will perform their own hits and a few covers.
World Rangers Day on August 1 is a nod of respect for park rangers worldwide, many who people do not realise are maimed and killed in duty.
As ambassadors for Thin Green Line, Gotye, Perkins and Bomba will raise awareness of this “bravely protecting endangered species, rangers work in extremely poor conditions without many basic human rights such as shelter, food, clean water or security measures – all for the love of the places and animals they protect”.
Green Line Grooves for World Ranger Day will be held on August 1 at Melbourne Town Hall.
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